
Fitness: Being Grateful to Move Your Body for Inner Health.

I struggled with unhealthy patterns, disordered eating since I was 9 years old.  I was clinically overweight, which means BMI (Body Mass Index) was high for my height.
As a result,  I started exercising to programs on TV and lost the weight I needed to be healthy.

Even though this was a healthy choice to decrease my risk of diabetes, my young, vulnerable mind swayed to the opposite extreme for countless years and being “thin” was all that mattered to me.

It wasn’t until late 2017 that I decided to make a change: To be Fit and eat healthy but not obsessive.

I no longer deprive myself. I’m no longer miserable.

I no longer weigh myself multiple times a day (P.S. screw the scale!)

I’m no longer a prisoner to the illusion that weighing a certain amount and wearing a certain size dictates my value. That’s crap! 

I exercise 6 out of 7 days of the week. Why?


I’m GRATEFUL for the health benefits.

I’m GRATEFUL for the mental health benefits. 

I’m passionate about fitness and encouraging others to move. See my post on the 5 Key Lessons I learned from My Health and Fitness Journey .