Dressing for Your Amazing Body

Dressing For Your Amazing Body: Selecting Pieces That Work For YOU.

I’m 5’2” and considered petite. I understand the annoyance of having to get alterations done. 

Thankfully, many brands are producing “petite” options and even more thankfully, brands are accommodating plus sizing. 

Many women don’t shop for their traced shape. They tend to either not shop at all to avoid looking at themselves, or they shop for the outfit and not themselves.

Many women won’t shop until they get back to their “normal size.”

This is a toxic mindset! It hijacks the opportunity for self love and to love our bodies.

Sister, dress for your amazing body. You’re a breathing, living human being. you are beautiful and the world needs you to shop for your amazing traced shape so you can love yourself and love others. 

I have spent most of my life hating my body and missed out on many opportunities to grow and build relationships. All because I hated my body. Don’t fall into this trap. You’re traced with grace. Beautiful inside and out. 

So, how do we go from hating our body to loving it? I’m no psychologist. From my experience, it’s as simple as a single decision: Make the DAILY choice to love your traced shape. It’s a practice. choose to love your body. Shop for pieces you love. while shopping, ask yourself:

“Does this garment work for me?” 

Do not ask:

“Do I work for this garment?”

If you decide the garment does not work for you, it’s a reflection of the style of the garment. Not your body!

Love your body first. Love yourself. See my post regarding the 3 Fashion Rules to Live By